N.J. Stat. § 45:16A-15
Licenses shall be renewed biennially by the board upon written application of the holder and payment of the prescribed fee and renewal of the bond required by section 23 of this act. A license may be renewed without reexamination, if the application for renewal is made within 30 days next preceding or following the scheduled expiration date. Any applicant for renewal making application at any time subsequent to the 30th day next following the scheduled expiration date may be required by the board to be reexamined, and that person shall not continue to act as a licensed Master HVACR contractor, as described in this act, and no firm, corporation or other legal entity for which the person is the bona fide representative shall operate under a license in the HVACR business, as described in this act, until a valid license has been secured or is held by a bona fide representative.
Any license expiring while the holder is outside the continental limits of the United States in connection with any project undertaken by the government of the United States, or while in the services of the Armed Forces of the United States, shall be renewed without the holder being required to be reexamined, upon payment of the prescribed fee at any time within four months after the person's return to the United States or discharge from the armed forces, whichever is later.
N.J.S. § 45:16A-15