N.J. Stat. § 44:10-34
As used in this act:
"Alternative work experience" means unpaid work and training only with a public, private nonprofit or private charitable employer that provides a recipient with the experience necessary to adjust to, and learn how to function in, an employment setting and the opportunity to combine that experience with education and job training. An alternative work experience participant shall not be assigned to work for a private, for profit employer.
"Assistance unit" means: a single person without dependent children; a couple without dependent children; dependent children only; or a person or couple with one or more dependent children who are legally or blood-related, or who is their legal guardian, and who live together as a household unit.
"Benefits" means any assistance provided to needy persons and their dependent children and needy single persons and couples without dependent children under the Work First New Jersey program.
"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Human Services.
"Community work experience" means unpaid work and training only with a public, private nonprofit or private charitable employer, provided to a recipient when, and to the extent, that such experience is necessary to enable the recipient to adjust to, and learn how to function in, an employment setting. A community work experience participant shall not be assigned to work for a private, for profit employer.
"Dependent child" means a child:
who is living in New Jersey with the child's natural or adoptive parent or legal guardian, or with a relative designated by the commissioner in a place of residence maintained by the relative as the relative's home.
"Income" means, but is not limited to, commissions, salaries, self-employed earnings, child support and alimony payments, interest and dividend earnings, wages, receipts, unemployment compensation, any legal or equitable interest or entitlement owed that was acquired by a cause of action, suit, claim or counterclaim, insurance benefits, temporary disability claims, estate income, trusts, federal income tax refunds, State income tax refunds, homestead rebates, lottery prizes, casino and racetrack winnings, annuities, retirement benefits, veterans' benefits, union benefits, or other sources that may be defined as income by the commissioner; except that in the event that individual development accounts for recipients are established by regulation of the commissioner, any interest or dividend earnings from such an account shall not be considered income.
"Income eligibility standard" means the income eligibility threshold based on assistance unit size established by regulation of the commissioner for benefits provided within the limit of funds appropriated by the Legislature.
"Legal guardian" means a person who exercises continuing control over the person or property, or both, of a child, including any specific right of control over an aspect of the child's upbringing, pursuant to a court order.
"Poverty level" means the official poverty level based on family size, established and adjusted under Section 673 (2) of Subtitle B of the "Community Services Block Grant Act, " Pub.L. 97-35(42 U.S.C.s. 9902 (2)).
"Recipient" means a recipient of benefits under the Work First New Jersey program.
"Services" means any Work First New Jersey benefits that are not provided in the form of cash assistance.
"Standard of need" means the minimum amount of income and in-kind benefits or services needed by families and single persons living in New Jersey in order to maintain a decent and healthy standard of living, as established by regulation of the commissioner, and shall include necessary items such as housing, utilities, food, work-related transportation, clothing and personal and household essentials.
"Title IV-A" means the provisions of Title IV-A of the federal Social Security Act governing the program of aid to families with dependent children established pursuant to P.L. 1959, c.86 (C.44:10-1 et seq.) and the State Plan to implement those provisions that were in effect on July 16, 1996, including income methodologies for determining eligibility under those provisions and plan.
"Title IV-D" means the provisions of Title IV-D of the federal Social Security Act governing paternity establishment and child support enforcement activities and requirements.
"Work activity" includes, but is not limited to, the following, as defined by regulation of the commissioner: employment; on-the-job training; job search and job readiness assistance; vocational educational training; job skills training related directly to employment; community work experience; alternative work experience; supportive work; community service programs, including the provision of child care as a community service project; in the case of a teenage parent or a recipient under the age of 19 who is expected to graduate or complete their course of study by their 19th birthday, satisfactory attendance at a secondary school or in a course of study leading to a certificate of general equivalence; and education that is necessary for employment in the case of a person who has not received a high school diploma or a certificate of high school equivalency, a course of study leading to a certificate of general equivalence, or post-secondary education, when combined with community work experience participation or other approved work activities, including employment.
"Work First New Jersey program" or "program" means the program established pursuant to P.L. 1997, c. 38(C.44:10-55 et seq.).
N.J.S. § 44:10-34