Section 40A:66-9 - Issuance of bondsa. In order to meet the electric power needs of its members, the municipal shared services energy authority shall have the power to authorize or provide for the issuance of bonds pursuant to P.L. 2015, c. 129(C.40A:66-1 et al.) for the purpose of raising funds to pay the cost of any part of an electric supply project, to fulfill the terms of a power supply contract, including any provision for collateral or related performance security measures, and to fund or refund any bonds.b. The municipal shared services energy authority shall adopt a bond resolution which shall: (1) describe in brief and general terms sufficient for reasonable identification the electric supply project or part thereof, to be constructed or acquired, or describe the bonds which are to be funded or refunded, if any;(2) state the cost or estimated cost of the project, if any; and(3) provide for the issuance of the bonds in accordance with sections 10 through 18 of P.L. 2015, c. 129(C.40A:66-10 through C.40A:66-18).Added by L. 2015, c. 129,s. 9, eff. 11/9/2015.