Section 40A:62-3 - Organization; Officersa. The mayor and council members of every town shall constitute the council thereof. They shall hold an annual meeting on the first day of January at twelve o'clock noon, or during the first seven days of January in any year.b. The mayor, heretofore known as the councilman-at-large, shall be chairman of the council and preside at all meetings of the council. In his absence, the council may elect one of its own as chairman for the time being.c. The council shall appoint the times of meetings and determine and establish the rules of its own proceedings.d. A majority of the council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a smaller number may meet and adjourn from day to day.e. The mayor or any two councilmen may call for a special meeting by written notice to each of the members, served personally or left at the member's usual place of residence at least twenty-four hours before the time appointed for the meeting. No other business than that specified in the call for the meeting shall be discussed or transacted.f. The council may, at its annual meeting, establish for its members such committees of the council as will assist it for the ensuing year.g. No officer, who has obtained tenure by any provision of any section herein repealed by section 40A:62-8 of this act, shall be affected in any way by such repeal.R.S. 40:125-1, R.S. 40:125-4, R.S. 40:126-1, R.S. 40:146-2, and New.