The petition shall be in substantially the following form:
"To the clerk of ........................... (insert name of municipality). You are hereby requested to call a special election, which shall not be held later than August the fifteenth in any year for the purpose of submitting the following proposition to the voters of ................................ (insert name of municipality): (here insert proposition as set forth in section 40:76-2 of this title); and for so doing this petition shall be your sufficient warrant.
............................ (insert name) is hereby designated as our agent or one of our agents to file this petition.
............................ (insert name) is hereby designated as our agent or one of our agents to file this petition.
............................ (insert name) is hereby designated as our agent or one of our agents to file this petition.
Name. Street Address.
............................... ........................................
................................ ........................................
................................ ........................................
................................ ........................................
State of New Jersey,) ss.
County of .......................)
......................., being duly sworn according to law, says: That he is the person who procured the signatures on this sheet, and that he knows that the signatures thereon are in the handwriting of the signers, and to the best of his knowledge and belief are the signatures of the persons purporting to sign the same.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this ....... day of ..........., A.D. 19 ..... "
N.J.S. § 40:76-3