Section 40:41A-78 - PowersThe board president shall:
a. Insure adequate supervision, direction and control of all county administrative departments, and care and maintenance of all county properties, institutions and agencies by the administrative officer;b. With the advice and consent of the board, appoint all members of boards, commissions and authorities, and all other officials not serving in the administrative service of the county the manner of whose appointment is not prescribed elsewhere in this article;c. Serve as an ex-officio nonvoting member of all appointive bodies in county government;d. At his discretion, require from the administrative officer reports and examine the accounts, records and operations of any agency of county government;e. At his discretion, remove or suspend anyone occupying one of the offices specified in subsection b. of this section subject to the procedures set forth in section 87b. of this act.L.1972, c.154, s.78, eff. 9/19/1972; amended by L.1975, c.84, s.32, eff. 5/5/1975; L.1975, c.257, s.5, eff. 12/9/1975.