Section 40:41A-65 - PowersThe county supervisor shall:
a. Insure adequate supervision, direction and control of all county administrative departments, and care and maintenance of all county properties, institutions and agencies by the county administrator;b. With the advice and consent of the board, appoint members of boards, commissions and authorities, and all other officials whose manner of appointment is not prescribed elsewhere in this article;c. At his discretion, remove or suspend anyone occupying one of the offices over which the county supervisor has power of appointment in accordance with the provisions of section 87b.;d. At his discretion, require from the county administrative officer reports, and examine the accounts, records and operations of any agency of county government;e. At his discretion, order any agency under his jurisdiction as specified in the administrative code to undertake any task for any other agency on a temporary basis if he deems it necessary for the proper and efficient administration to do so;f. Approve each ordinance of the board by signing it, or may veto any ordinance by returning it to the clerk of the board within 10 days of passage with a written statement of his objections to the ordinance. If two-thirds of the full membership of the board, upon reconsideration of the measure, shall vote for it, the supervisor's veto shall be overridden and the ordinance shall become law without the supervisor's signature in accordance with the provisions of law.L.1972, c.154, s.65, eff. 9/19/1972; amended by L.1975, c.84, s.23, eff. 5/5/1975; L.1975, c.257, s.3, eff. 12/9/1975.