Section 40:33-13.2e - County library study commission; establishment; petition; members; chairman; reimbursement of expensesThe governing body of any county which has established a county library as provided in chapter 33 of Title 40 of the Revised Statutes may, by ordinance or resolution, as appropriate, establish a county library study commission to consider and make findings concerning the county library system. The governing body shall establish such a commission when it receives a petition calling for the creation of a county library study commission signed by 10% of the registered voters of the county.
a. The commission shall be composed of nine members who shall be residents of the county and appointed by the governing body of the county. Of the nine members, six shall be private citizens representing different municipalities in the county, none of whom shall be employed by any library within the county which is funded in whole or in part by county or municipal funds, and none of whom shall be a member of the governing body of the county or of any municipality therein. Of the three remaining members, one shall be a member of the county library commission; one shall be a trustee of a public library of a municipality which is not a member of the county library system; and, one shall be a trustee of a public library of a municipality which is a member of the county library system.b. The county governing body shall designate the commission chairman from among the six private citizen members.c. Members of the commission shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed, as hereinafter provided, by the county governing body for necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of their duties under this act.L.1981, c.489, s.2, eff. 1/12/1982.