N.J. Stat. § 40:33-13.2c
Any former employee of a municipal free public library who has become an employee of a county library system pursuant to an agreement providing for the admission or merger of the municipal free public library to or into the county library system, shall be placed in the classified service of the civil service of the county, subject to individual entry qualifying examinations. Those employees so placed shall continue in the position in which employed at the time of the admission or merger and shall be subject to all provisions of Subtitle 3 of Title 11 (Civil Service) of the Revised Statutes.
As used in this act;
"Municipal free public library" means a free public library established pursuant to Article 1 of chapter 54 of Title 40 of the Revised Statutes by a municipality in which the provisions of Subtitle 3 of Title 11 (Civil Service) of the Revised Statutes have not been adopted;
"County library system" means a county library system established and organized pursuant to Article 1 of chapter 33 of Title 40 of the Revised Statutes in a county in which the provisions of Subtitle 3 of Title 11 (Civil Service) have been adopted.
N.J.S. § 40:33-13.2c