N.J. Stat. § 40:3-17
The sinking fund commission of a municipality, county or school district (where a sinking fund commission exists only for such school district) shall calculate the annual requirements of the sinking fund for all term bonds for the ensuing fiscal year, in accordance with the provisions of section 40:3-16 of this Title, and on or before November first next before the final date fixed for the adoption of the budget for the fiscal year of the municipality or county, and on or before December first next before the annual school meeting for school districts as to bonds issued by such districts, shall submit such calculation of the sinking fund requirements for the fiscal year for which the budget shall apply, to the governing body of the municipality or county or the board of education of the school district, as the case may be, and to the Director of the Division of Local Government in the State Department of Taxation and Finance.
The said director shall correct and audit such calculations, and on or before December first next before the date fixed for the adoption of the budget as to requirements for municipal or county bonds, and on or before February first next before the meeting at which school appropriations are voted for such school districts as to requirements for bonds of school districts, shall issue a certificate of the sinking fund requirements for such year to the sinking fund commission, and shall transmit a copy of such certificate to the governing body of the municipality, county or the board of education of the school district, as the case may be, and the amount as certified by the said director shall be the official determination of the sinking fund requirements for such fiscal year, which shall be included in the annual budget and tax ordinance of the municipality, or the annual budget or tax resolution of the county, and the appropriations of school districts, and shall be assessed, levied and collected as required by law.
The required amount as certified shall be turned over to the sinking fund commission for the municipality, county or school district, as the case may be, on or before December thirty-first of the year for which such budget shall apply. The sinking fund commission shall, on or before January fifth following, transmit to the said director a certificate as to the receipt or nonreceipt by it of the sinking fund requirements previously certified, but the failure on the part of any sinking fund commission or the said director to issue a certificate of the amount of sinking fund requirements for any year shall in no wise relieve the governing body of any municipality or county, or the board of education of any school district, of their obligation to make provisions for the proper sinking fund requirements for the year in their appropriations for municipal, county or school purposes, as the case may be.
Should such appropriations not be included in the budget, as adopted, they shall, nevertheless, be included in the tax ordinance or resolution, as the case may be, but in no case shall the district clerk and the county board of taxation be relieved from their duty to determine that such requirements have been provided for in the case of bonds issued by school districts.
N.J.S. § 40:3-17