N.J. Stat. § 40:14A-8.1
"Residential property" means any building or part of a building used, to be used or held for use as a home or residence, together with the land upon which it is situate. A residential property shall include single family dwellings, multifamily dwellings as defined under subsection (k) of section 3 of the "Hotel and Multiple Dwelling Law," P.L. 1967, c.76 (C.55:13A-1 et seq.), and other rental unit property, and individual residences within a horizontal property regime as defined pursuant to the "Horizontal Property Act," P.L. 1963, c.168 (C.46:8A-1 et seq.), or a condominium as defined pursuant to the "Condominium Act," P.L. 1969, c.257 (C.46:8B-1 et seq.), units in a cooperative, and units in a mutual housing corporation;
"Cooperative" means a housing corporation or association which entitles the holder of a share or membership interest thereof to possess and occupy for dwelling purposes a house, apartment, manufactured or mobile home or other unit of housing owned or leased by the corporation or association, or to lease or purchase a unit of housing constructed or to be constructed by the corporation or association;
"Mutual housing corporation" means a corporation not-for-profit, incorporated under the laws of this State on a mutual or cooperative basis within the scope of section 607 of the "National Defense Housing Act," Pub. L. 76-849, (42 U.S.C. s. 1521 et seq.), as amended, which acquired a National Defense Housing Project pursuant to that act;
"Qualified resident" means a person who owns, rents or occupies residential property;
"Qualified entity" means a building or facility which is owned and used by:
N.J.S. § 40:14A-8.1