Section 40:14A-31.2 - Payment of benefita. An authority subject to the provisions of this act shall annually pay the appropriate municipality the full amount of the benefit provided for in this act, and a recipient municipality may anticipate this amount for the purposes of preparing its annual budget. All cash payments shall be appropriated by the municipality in accordance with the provisions of the "Local Budget Law,"N.J.S. 40A:4-1 et seq. The authority responsible for paying the benefit specified under this act may, subject to the prior agreement of the recipient municipality, provide such benefit to the municipality in the following manner: (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 31 of P.L. 1946, c.138 (C.40:14A-31), as payment in lieu of taxes on the land on which the wastewater treatment plant, dewatering plant and sludge incineration facility are situated, and such payment shall be due and owing at the same time as the third quarterly payment of property taxes is due and owing pursuant to R.S. 54:4-66;(2) As an exemption of all or part of the fees and charges for the treatment of all wastewater generated within the boundaries of the municipality;(3) As a lump sum cash payment or payments, according to a schedule established by the governing body of the recipient municipality; or(4) Any combination thereof.b. The payment of a host community benefit under this section shall be included as a cost of operation and maintenance for which rents, rates, fees or other charges are collected by the authority pursuant to section 8 of P.L. 1946, c.138 (C.40:14A-8).