Section 40:14A-21 - Interest on service charges; liens; enforcement(a) In the event that a service charge of any sewerage authority with regard to any parcel of real property shall not be paid as and when due, interest shall accrue and be due to the sewerage authority on the unpaid balance at the rate of 1 1/2 percent per month until such service charge, and the interest thereon, shall be fully paid to the sewerage authority.(b) In the event that a service charge of any sewerage authority with regard to any parcel of real property owned by any person other than the State or an agency or subdivision thereof shall not be paid as and when due, the unpaid balance thereof and all interest accruing thereon shall be a lien on such parcel. Such lien shall be superior and paramount to the interest in such parcel of any owner, lessee, tenant, mortgagee or other person except the lien of municipal taxes and shall be on a parity with and deemed equal to the lien on such parcel of the municipality where such parcel is situate for taxes thereon due in the same year and not paid when due. Such lien shall not bind or affect a subsequent bona fide purchaser of such parcel for a valuable consideration without actual notice of such lien, unless the sewerage authority shall have filed in the office of the collector or other officer of said municipality charged with the duty of enforcing municipal liens on real property a statement showing the amount and due date of such unpaid balance and identifying such parcel, which identification may be sufficiently made by reference to the assessment map of said municipality. The information shown in such statement shall be included in any certificate with respect to said parcel thereafter made by the official of said municipality vested with the power to make official certificates of searches for municipal liens. Whenever such service charge and any subsequent service charge with regard to such parcel and all interest accrued thereon shall have been fully paid to the sewerage authority, such statement shall be promptly withdrawn or cancelled by the sewerage authority.(c) In the event that a service charge of any sewerage authority with regard to any parcel of real property shall not be paid as and when due, the sewerage authority may, in its discretion, enter upon such parcel and cause the connection thereof leading directly or indirectly to the sewerage system to be cut and shut off until such service charge and any subsequent service charge with regard to such parcel and all interest accrued thereon shall be fully paid to the sewerage authority.(d) In the event that a service charge of any sewerage authority with regard to any parcel of real property shall not be paid as and when due, the sewerage authority may, in accordance with section twenty-six of this act, cause the supply of water to such parcel to be stopped or restricted until such service charge and any subsequent service charge with regard to such parcel and all interest accrued thereon shall be fully paid to the sewerage authority. If for any reason such supply of water shall not be promptly stopped or restricted as required by section twenty-six of this act, the sewerage authority may itself shut off or restrict such supply and, for that purpose, may enter on any lands, waters or premises of any county, municipality or other person. The supply of water to such parcel shall, notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, be restored or increased if the State Department of Health, upon application of the local board of health or health officer of the municipality where such parcel is situate, shall after public hearing find and shall certify to the sewerage authority that the continuance of such stopping or restriction of the supply of water endangers the health of the public in such municipality.(e) The collector or other officer of every municipality charged by law with the duty of enforcing municipal liens on real property shall enforce, with and as any other municipal lien on real property in such municipality, all service charges and the lien thereof shown in any statement filed with him by any sewerage authority pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, and shall pay over to the sewerage authority the sums or a pro rata share of the sums realized upon such enforcement or upon liquidation of any property acquired by the municipality by virtue of such enforcement.(f) In the event that any service charge of a sewerage authority shall not be paid as and when due, the unpaid balance thereof and all interest accrued thereon, together with attorney's fees and costs, may be recovered by the sewerage authority in a civil action, and any lien on real property for such service charge and interest accrued thereon may be foreclosed or otherwise enforced by the sewerage authority by action or suit in equity as for the foreclosure of a mortgage on such real property.(g) All rights and remedies granted by this act for the collection and enforcement of service charges shall be cumulative and concurrent.(h) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, if the Governor has declared a public health emergency pursuant to the "Emergency Health Powers Act," P.L. 2005, c. 222(C.26:13-1 et seq.), or a state of emergency, pursuant to P.L. 1942, c.251 (C.App.A:9-33 et seq.), or both, in response to a flood, hurricane, superstorm, tornado, natural or other disaster, or public health emergency, then, for the duration of the public health emergency, state of emergency, or both and for a period up to 90 days after the public health emergency, state of emergency, or both, are no longer in effect, the sewerage authority may, in its discretion, engage in any combination of the following: (1) not charge interest on the delinquent payment;(2) not place a lien on such parcel of real property for the unpaid balance for any service charge and all interest accruing thereon; or(3) not discontinue service of any property for the failure to pay any amount owing. A sewerage authority shall exercise the discretionary authority it is provided under this subsection consistently to all properties, or to all properties of the same use type or other appropriate category.Amended by L. 2020 , c. 39, s. 1, eff. 6/19/2020.L.1946, c.138, p.663, s.21, eff. 4/23/1946; amended by L.1981, c.530, s.1, eff. 1/12/1982.