Chapter 34:6A
- Section 34:6A-1 - Short title
- Section 34:6A-2 - Definitions
- Section 34:6A-3 - Safe and healthful place of employment
- Section 34:6A-4 - Structural adequacy; fire prevention; ventilation and lighting; elevators
- Section 34:6A-5 - Protective devices or safeguards; rendering ineffective
- Section 34:6A-6 - Enforcement of act; entry and inspection
- Section 34:6A-7 - Written orders as to violations; imminent physical hazards
- Section 34:6A-8 - Aggrieved persons; hearings
- Section 34:6A-9 - Rules and regulations
- Section 34:6A-10 - Submission of plans and specifications
- Section 34:6A-11 - Certificate of registration; duration; renewal; display; fee
- Section 34:6A-12 - Report of accidental deaths, fines, etc
- Section 34:6A-13 - Service and assistance to employers
- Section 34:6A-14 - Bureau of Engineering and Safety
- Section 34:6A-15 - New Jersey State Industrial Safety Committee
- Section 34:6A-16 - Industrial Safety Board
- Section 34:6A-17 - Existing rights or remedies unaffected; burden of care
- Section 34:6A-18 - Appeals
- Section 34:6A-19 - Penalties; compromise of claims
- Section 34:6A-20 - Repealer; savings clause
- Section 34:6A-21 - Severability
- Section 34:6A-22 - Exemptions
- Section 34:6A-23 - Exceptions from literal requirements of rules and regulations
- Section 34:6A-24 - Duties of Health Department not abrogated
- Section 34:6A-25 - Short title
- Section 34:6A-26 - Legislative findings
- Section 34:6A-27 - Definition
- Section 34:6A-28 - Advisory board
- Section 34:6A-29 - Plan for health and safety standards
- Section 34:6A-30 - Adoption of standards
- Section 34:6A-31 - Promotion of goals of the act
- Section 34:6A-32 - Promulgation of regulations
- Section 34:6A-33 - Responsibilities of employers
- Section 34:6A-34 - Duty of compliance by public employees
- Section 34:6A-35 - Inspections; compliance
- Section 34:6A-36 - Notice of safety violation
- Section 34:6A-38 - Notice of health standard violation
- Section 34:6A-39 - Variances
- Section 34:6A-40 - Employer records; reports
- Section 34:6A-41 - Compliance orders; violations; penalties
- Section 34:6A-42 - Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
- Section 34:6A-43 - Appeals from decision of review commission
- Section 34:6A-44 - Restraining orders
- Section 34:6A-45 - Retaliatory discrimination prohibited
- Section 34:6A-47 - Advisors to commission of capital budgeting and planning on workplace safety and health
- Section 34:6A-48 - Act inapplicable to right to strike
- Section 34:6A-49 - Uniform codes not superseded, permits required
- Section 34:6A-50 - Annual report