Section 32:5-1 - Construction of subway and rail system connecting with bridgea. L.1931, c. 7, p. 33 entitled "A supplement to an act entitled "An act authorizing and providing for the appointment of an interstate bridge commission and defining its powers and duties,' approved May sixth, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine," approved March third, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one, saved from repeal. [This act authorizes the New Jersey Interstate Bridge Commission (which commission has been superseded by the Delaware River Joint Commission) to construct a subway extending to the New Jersey side of the Camden-Philadelphia bridge and to construct and operate a railroad system through said subway and connecting with the rail system on the bridge, either through lease or contract, or in its own name. The subway and transportation system is to be deemed an approach to the bridge structure and shall be under the jurisdiction of the commission.]b. L.1931, c. 9, p. 37 entitled "An act appropriating five million dollars to the New Jersey Interstate Bridge Commission," approved March third, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one, as amended by L.1931, c. 266, p. 675, saved from repeal. [Appropriated $5,000,000 when included in an appropriation bill, for the construction of a subway and rail system as authorized by L.1931, c. 7, p. 33.]