Section 32:20A-5.1 - Greenwood Lake Commission, authority to charge certain feesa. (Deleted by amendment, P.L. 2011, c. 8).b.(1) In addition to any other registration or fee required by the State, the Greenwood Lake Commission may require the owner of any mechanically propelled boat or vessel with 10 or more horsepower, and any non-mechanically propelled boat or vessel 18 or more feet in length, used on Greenwood Lake to obtain and possess an annual permit issued by the commission, and assess a fee therefor as follows: (a) for boats or vessels 20 feet or less in length overall -- $30;(b) for boats or vessels 21 to 25 feet in length overall and for rowing shells 21 feet in length or more -- $37.50;(c) for boats or vessels over 25 feet in length overall -- $37.50 plus an additional $7.50 for each foot by which the length overall exceeds 25 feet; and(d) for boats or vessels over 25 feet in length overall outfitted for overnight use -- $37.50 plus an additional $30 for each foot by which the overall length exceeds 25 feet.(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of this subsection to the contrary, the commission may establish a one week use permit for $11.25 and a one-day use permit for $7.50 for any mechanically propelled boat or vessel or non-mechanically propelled boat or vessel subject to the annual fee established in paragraph (1) of this subsection.c. The Greenwood Lake Commission may charge a fee to an applicant for a permit issued pursuant to this section in order to recover the costs incurred in reviewing and acting upon an application for such permit.d. The Greenwood Lake Commission shall establish a separate, nonlapsing, dedicated account to be known as the "Greenwood Lake Commission Fund." All fees and other monies collected by the Greenwood Lake Commission pursuant to this section, or any rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto, shall be deposited into this fund. Any investment earnings on monies in the fund shall accrue to the fund and shall be available subject to the same terms and conditions as other monies in the fund. The moneys in the fund shall be used by the Greenwood Lake Commission for the purposes set forth in P.L. 1999, c. 402(C.32:20A-1 et seq.).Amended by L. 2011, c. 8,s. 1, eff. upon the enactment into law by the State of New York of legislation having substantially similar effect, or if the State of New York shall have already enacted such legislation, effective 1/28/2011Added by L. 2009, c. 310,s. 1, approved 1/18/2010. See note below for effective date. L. 2009, c. 310,s. 2, states, "This act shall take effect upon the enactment into law by the State of New York of legislation having substantially similar effect as this act, or if the State of New York shall have already enacted such legislation, this act shall take effect immediately."