N.J. Stat. § 32:20-2
Each of the signatory States pledges to each of the other signatory States faithful co-operation in the control of future pollution and in the correction of existing pollution of the waters of the interstate Delaware river and its west branch from the New York-Pennsylvania boundary line down to the Atlantic ocean. In order to effect such objects, each of the States agrees to enact adequate legislation, if necessary, to enable each such State so to require the treatment of sewage, industrial waste or other artificial polluting matter as to place and maintain the waters of the aforesaid interstate Delaware river, and of the tributaries thereof just above the confluence with the Delaware river, in the clean and sanitary condition required by the provisions of this agreement. Furthermore, each such State agrees so to enforce the provisions of these requirements, and other supplementary applicable legislation, if any, as to bring about the attainment of the objectives of pollution control and correction in accordance with such reasonable and effective programs as may be determined from time to time by the States in the manner prescribed herein.
N.J.S. § 32:20-2