N.J. Stat. § 30:4G-14
As used in this act:
"Advisory Council" means the Statewide Consumer Advisory Council on Personal Assistance Services" established pursuant to section 8 of P.L. 1987, c.350 (C.30:4G-20).
"Applicant" means a person who applies for services under the personal assistance services program.
"Assessor" means a person who is employed by the program to conduct eligibility assessments. An assessor shall have a master's degree in social work or a baccalaureate degree and three years of experience in rehabilitation services, or shall be a registered professional nurse with a bachelor of science degree in nursing or with three years experience in home care.
"Available" means, as applied to a caregiver, physically present, able, and appropriate, as determined with full consideration of the consumer's personal situation.
"Cash Management Plan" means the document used by the program which indicates the monthly cash allowance and details the services and supports required by the consumer in order to meet the consumer's personal care needs.
"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Human Services.
"Community-based independent living" means self-directed living whereby a consumer is actively participating in community-based activities aside from employment or education, including, but not limited to, parenting, searching for employment, and community service such as volunteering on governing boards or serving on committees.
"Consumer" means a person who either meets the eligibility criteria set forth in section 4 of P.L. 1987, c.350 (C.30:4G-16), or has received an individual exception to the eligibility criteria in subsection i. or j. of section 4 of P.L. 1987, c.350 under rules established by the commissioner, and who is receiving services.
"County designated agency" means a county office for the disabled or other agency designated by the county government, subject to approval by the commissioner, to administer in that county the personal assistance services program established pursuant to P.L. 1987, c.350 (C.30:4G-13 et seq.).
"Department" means the Department of Human Services.
"Employment" means working in a paid occupation, whether in cash or in kind, including, but not limited to, full time employment; part time employment; the practice of a profession; self-employment; farm work; home-based employment; or other gainful work. "Federal poverty level" means the official poverty level based on family size, established and adjusted under Section 673(2) of Subtitle B of the "Community Services Block Grant Act, " Pub.L. 97-35(42 U.S.C.s. 9902 (2)).
"Fiscal intermediary service organization" or "FISO" means a company or agency that is set up to disburse the cash benefit to consumers using the cash option under the program, and serves as the business agent for the consumer, handles the distribution of payroll checks and other disbursements at the direction of the consumer, and keeps records of all transactions.
"Informal caregiver" means an individual who is 18 years of age or older residing in the household for a purpose other than the sharing of expenses.
"Permanent physical disability" means a severe impairment of a permanent nature which so restricts a person's ability to perform essential activities of daily living that the person needs assistance to maintain the person's independence and health.
"Personal assistant" means a person who meets the qualifications with regard to training, equivalent work experience or certification in the provision of personal assistance services established by the commissioner and who provides personal assistance services to a consumer. "Personal assistance services" means health and chore related tasks performed by a personal assistant. Personal assistance services include, but are not limited to, assistance in essential daily activities such as bathing, dressing and meal preparation; assistance with mobility, laundry and shopping; and driving or other forms of transportation.
"Program" means the Personal Assistance Services Program established pursuant to P.L. 1987, c.350 (C.30:4G-13 et seq.).
"Relative" means a person who is 18 years of age or older and is related to the consumer by blood or law.
"Resident" means a person who abides or resides in this State for other than a temporary purpose and who has no present intention of moving from the State.
"Self-directed" means a person who is able to: make decisions regarding daily activities; and make major life decisions, manage and supervise a personal assistant, and accept the responsibility for those decisions and actions.
"Time sheet" means a legal document used to verify the number of hours worked under the program, that is issued by the fiscal intermediary service organization, completed by the employee, and verified by the consumer.
"Training" means the attendance and participation of a consumer or personal assistant in an established Statewide educational program or equivalent, as provided by regulation of the department.
"Training Vendor" means an agency or business that provides a training curriculum to consumers and personal assistants under the guidelines of the program.
"Vendor" mean an agency or business that provides an allowable service to a consumer under the guidelines of the program.
N.J.S. § 30:4G-14