Section 30:4C-61 - Issuance of order by courta. Upon review of the board's report, the Family Part of the Chancery Division of the Superior Court shall issue an order concerning the child's placement which it deems will best serve the health, safety and interests of the child. The court shall issue the order within 21 calendar days of the court's receipt of the board's report unless the court schedules a summary hearing. The court shall either: (1) Order the return of the child to his parents or legal guardian within two weeks and order the division or designated agency, as appropriate, to provide any reasonable and available services which are necessary to implement the return home;(2) Order continued placement on a temporary basis until the long-term goal is achieved; or(3) Order continued placement on a temporary basis but that the division shall provide further information within two weeks to the court, which information shall be reviewed by the board within 30 days of its receipt.(4) (Deleted by amendment, P.L. 1987, c.252.) In accordance with section 8 of P.L. 1984, c.85 (C.30:4C-61.1), the court may order that the division shall not return a child to his home prior to review by the board and an order of the court.
In addition, if the placement plan does not satisfy the criteria of section 9 of P.L. 1977, c.424 (C.30:4C-58), the court shall order that the placement plan be modified or that a new plan be developed within 30 days.
b. In reviewing the report, the court may request that, where available, any written or oral information submitted to the board be provided to the court. The court shall make a determination based upon the report and any other information before it; provided, however, that the court may schedule a summary hearing if: (1) The court has before it conflicting statements of material fact which it cannot resolve without a hearing; or(2) A party entitled to participate in the proceedings requests a hearing; or(3) The court concludes that the interests of justice require that a hearing be held; or(4) The board recommends that a hearing be held due to lack of compliance with the placement plan, including achievement of the permanent placement identified in the permanency plan; or(5) The division has documented an exception to the requirement to provide reasonable efforts toward family reunification pursuant to section 25 of P.L. 1999, c. 53(C.30:4C-11.3); or(6) If the review is to serve as a permanency hearing.c. Notice of such hearing, including a statement of the dispositional alternatives of the court, shall be provided at least 30 days in advance, unless the court finds that it is in the best interest of the child to provide less notice in order to conduct the hearing sooner. Notice shall be provided to the following persons unless the court determines it is not in the best interests of the child: (3) The child's parents including a non-custodial parent or legal guardian;(5) The temporary caretaker;(6) The counsel for any parent, child or other interested party who has provided or is providing representation in the case before the board; and(7) If the child's caretaker is a resource family parent or relative, the caretaker shall receive written notice of, and shall have a right to be heard at, the hearing, but the caretaker shall not be made a party to the hearing solely on the basis of the notice and right to be heard. The court may also request or order additional information from any other persons or agencies which the court determines have an interest in or information relating to the welfare of the child.
The court shall hold the hearing within 60 days of receipt of the board's report and shall issue its order within 15 days of the hearing.
d. The court shall send a copy of its order concerning the child's placement to all persons listed in subsection c. of this section, except that, if notice to the child of the board review was waived pursuant to section 10 of P.L. 1977, c.424 (C.30:4C-59), the court may waive the requirement of sending a copy of its order to the child.e. Any person who receives a copy of the court order shall comply with the confidentiality requirements established by the Supreme Court for the purposes of this act.Amended by L. 2007, c. 228,s. 7, eff. 2/2/2008.Amended by L. 2004, c. 130, s. 89, eff. 8/27/2004.L.1977, c.424, s.12; amended 1978, c.125, s.8; 1982, c.24, s.6; 1984, c.85, s.7; 1987, c.252, s.9; c. 53, s. 48.