- Section 26:10-1 - Forbidden material in manufacture
- Section 26:10-2 - Labeling required
- Section 26:10-3 - Contents, color of label; "secondhand" defined
- Section 26:10-4 - Form of label
- Section 26:10-5 - Violation; misdemeanor
- Section 26:10-6 - "Mattress," "box spring" defined
- Section 26:10-7 - Forbidden material in manufacture
- Section 26:10-8 - Forbidden sales
- Section 26:10-9 - Labeling requirements
- Section 26:10-10 - Contents and form of label
- Section 26:10-11 - Special labeling requirements
- Section 26:10-12 - Labeling secondhand mattress, box spring
- Section 26:10-13 - Additional information prohibited
- Section 26:10-14 - Use of word "felt" on label
- Section 26:10-15 - False description
- Section 26:10-16 - Removing or altering label
- Section 26:10-17 - Each mattress, box spring separate offense
- Section 26:10-18 - Penalties, recovery
- Section 26:10-19 - Findings, declarations relative to used mattresses, box springs
- Section 26:10-20 - Requirements for lease, sale, delivery, consignment of used mattresses, box springs
- Section 26:10-21 - Regulations