The Clerk of the Supreme Court and the Clerk of the Superior Court are authorized and directed to charge the following additional fees:
For affixing the seal of the Court to any document, $5.00;
For an exemplification, $5.00;
The Clerk of the Superior Court is authorized and directed to charge the following additional fees:
For filing notice of appeal in any division of the Superior Court and forwarding copy to the Appellate Division or Supreme Court, $10.00;
The Clerk of the Superior Court is authorized and directed to charge the following additional fees in the Chancery Division:
For a warrant of satisfaction, $5.00;
For a master's certificate certifying his appointment, $5.00;
A minimum charge for all other papers or services by the clerk, $5.00;
Commissions on appeals accounts and deposits for security for costs--two per centum (2%) on one hundred dollars ($100.00) or less; one and one half per centum (1 1/2%) on any excess of one hundred dollars ($100.00);
Commissions on paying out trust fund accounts (including all funds, moneys or other assets brought into and deposited in court)--two and one half per centum (2 1/2%) on the first one hundred dollars ($100.00); two per centum (2%) on the next nine hundred dollars ($900.00); one and one half per centum (1 1/2%) on the excess over one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
N.J.S. § 22A:2-20