N.J. Stat. § 19:23-16
Any person nominated at the primary by having the person's name written or pasted upon the primary ballot shall file a certificate stating that the person is qualified for the office for which the person has been nominated, that the person is a resident of and a legal voter in the jurisdiction of the office for which the nomination is made and that the person consents to stand as a candidate at the ensuing general election to which shall be annexed the oath of allegiance prescribed in section 41:1-1 of the Revised Statutes duly taken and subscribed by the person so nominated before an officer authorized to take oaths in this State.
In addition, a person so nominated for the office of Governor or the office of member of the Senate or General Assembly shall annex to the certificate a statement signed by the candidate that the person:
Written acceptance of such nomination shall be filed by each candidate so nominated on or before the seventh day following the date of the certification of the results of the primary with the county clerk in the case of county and municipal offices and with the Secretary of State for all other offices.
Each county clerk shall post on the county's website the official results of the primary election within 24 hours after the certification of the election results. Amended 1949, c.24, s.11; 2004, c.26, s.5; 2022, c.15, s.1.
N.J.S. § 19:23-16