N.J. Stat. § 19:14-14
Immediately below the six-point diagram rule to be printed in place of the last two-point hair line rule across the entire ballot, from one four-point rule to the other, shall be printed as near to the center of the ballot as possible the following words: "Public Questions to be voted upon" . Below these words and above the first public question, beginning one and one-half inches to the right of the four-point rule at the left of the ballot and extending to not more than one and one-half inches from the four-point rule at the right of the ballot, shall be printed in one line, if possible, the following instructions: "To vote upon the Public Questions printed below, if in favor thereof mark a cross x or plus + in the square at the left of the word "Yes', and if opposed thereto, mark a cross x or plus + in the square at the left of the word "No'," underscored with a two-point diagram rule. Below and flush with the left end of said two-point diagram rule shall be printed two separate squares, one under the other, three-eighths of an inch in size formed by two-point diagram rules. Immediately to the right of the upper square shall be printed the word "Yes", and immediately to the right of the lower square shall be printed the word "No" . To the right of the words "Yes" and "No" shall be printed a bracket embracing these words and to the right of the bracket shall be printed across the ballot, to not nearer than one and one-half inches from the four-point diagram rule at the right of the ballot, each public question to be voted upon. Below each such public question shall be printed two-point diagram rule beginning one and one-half inches to the right of the four-point rule at the left of the ballot and extending to not nearer than one and one-half inches from the four-point rule at the right of the ballot. In place of the last two-point diagram rule there shall be printed a four-point diagram rule extending across the entire ballot not less than a half inch from the lower edge of the paper and terminating at the lower ends of the four-point diagram rules at either side of the ballot.
N.J.S. § 19:14-14