a. All functions, powers, duties, and rights of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, related directly or indirectly to the establishment, maintenance, and operation as to the School of Osteopathic Medicine, are hereby transferred and assigned to Rowan University. All of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey's rights, title, and interest in the School of Osteopathic Medicine, its auxiliary and supporting institutions and the campus located in Stratford including, but not limited to, all associated fixed tangible assets, real property, building and all furniture, fixtures, equipment, and personal property contained therein, are hereby transferred to Rowan University and shall be devoted to the purposes of public higher education in the State in accordance with the terms of any gift, grant, trust, contract or other agreement with the State or any of its political subdivisions or with the United States or with any public body, department or any agency of the State or the United States or with any individual, firm or corporation. Rowan University shall be obligated to take any such action as may be required to ensure that the School of Osteopathic Medicine maintains proper accreditation.
The facilities, equipment, and fixtures shared on the effective date of this act by the School of Osteopathic Medicine and other schools of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey located on the Stratford campus shall continue to be shared until such time as the board of governors of Rutgers, The State University and the board of trustees of Rowan University reach an agreement on the shared use of facilities, equipment, and fixtures on the Stratford campus.