Section 18A:64-79 - Multi-year contractsA State college may only enter into a contract exceeding 36 consecutive months for the:
a. Supplying of fuel and oil for heating and other purposes and utilities for any term not exceeding in the aggregate five years; orb. Plowing and removal of snow and ice for any term not exceeding in the aggregate five years; orc. Collection and disposal of garbage and refuse for any term not exceeding in the aggregate five years; ord. Purchase, lease or servicing of information technology for any term of not more than five years; ore. Insurance for any term of not more than five years; orf. Leasing or service of automobiles, motor vehicles, machinery and equipment of every nature and kind for any term not exceeding in the aggregate five years; org. (Deleted by amendment, P.L. 2005, c. 369).h. Providing of food supplies and services, including food supplies and management contracts for student centers, dining rooms, vending operations, and cafeterias, for a term not exceeding 30 years; ori. Performance of work or services or the furnishing of materials or supplies for the purpose of conserving energy in buildings owned by, or operations conducted by, the contracting unit, the entire price of which is to be established as a percentage of the resultant savings in energy costs, for a term not exceeding 10 years; provided that a contract is entered into only subject to and in accordance with rules and regulations adopted and guidelines promulgated by the Board of Public Utilities establishing a methodology for computing energy cost savings; orj. Any single project for the construction, reconstruction or rehabilitation of a public building, structure or facility, or a public works project, including the retention of the services of an architect, engineer, construction manager, or other consultant in connection with the project, for the length of time necessary for the completion of the actual construction; ork. The management and operation of bookstores, performing arts centers, residence halls, parking facilities and building operations for a term not exceeding 30 years; orl. The provision of banking, financial services, and e-commerce services for a term not exceeding five years; orm. The provision of services for maintenance and repair of building systems, including, but not limited to, fire alarms, fire suppression systems, security systems, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems for a term not exceeding five years; orn. Purchase of alternative energy or the purchase or lease of alternative energy services or equipment for conservation or cost saving purposes for a term not exceeding 30 years. All multiyear leases and contracts entered into pursuant to this section, except contracts and agreements for the provision of work or the supplying of equipment to promote energy conservation and authorized pursuant to subsection i. of this section, shall contain a clause making them subject to the availability and appropriation annually of sufficient funds to meet the extended obligation or contain an annual cancellation clause.
Amended by L. 2009, c. 90,s. 44, eff. 7/28/2009.Amended by L. 2005, c. 369, s. 16, eff. 3/13/2006.L.1986, c.43, s.28; amended 1994, c.48, s.117.