Section 18A:64-64 - SpecificationAll specifications for any purchase, contract or agreement governed by this article shall be drafted in a manner to encourage free, open and competitive bidding. In particular, no specifications under this article may:
a. Require a standard, restriction, condition or limitation not directly related to the purpose, function or activity for which the purchase, contract or agreement is made; orb. Require that any bidder be a resident of, or that his place of business be located in, the county in which the purchase will be made or the contract or agreement performed, unless the physical proximity of the bidder is requisite to the efficient and economical purchase or performance of the contract or agreement; orc. Discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex or national origin; ord. Require with regard to any purchase, contract or agreement the furnishing of any "brand name," although specifications may in all cases require "brand name or equivalent," nor shall materials or supplies which are patented or copyrighted be specified unless the resolution authorizing the purchase, contract or agreement sets forth the manner in which the special need for the patented or copyrighted materials or supplies is directly related to the performance or purpose for which the purchase, contract or agreement is made; ore. Fail to include any option for renewal, extension or release which the State college may intend to exercise or require; orf. Fail to include any terms and conditions necessary for the performance of any extra work; org. Fail to disclose any matter necessary to the substantial performance of the contract or agreement. Any specification adopted by the State college which knowingly excludes prospective bidders by reason of the impossibility of performance, bidding or qualification by any but one bidder, except as provided herein, shall be null and void and of no effect, and the purchase, contract or agreement shall be readvertised, and the original purchase, contract or agreement shall be set aside by the board of trustees of the State college.
L.1986, c.43, s.13, eff. 7/9/1986.