N.J. Stat. § 18A:58-33.33
Within 10 days after issuance of any bonds or notes entitled to the benefits of this act, the chief financial officer of the school district, municipality or county issuing such bonds or notes shall certify to the Commissioner of Education the exact amount payable on account of debt service (interest and principal) on such bonds or notes in each year and the name and address of the paying agent or paying agents for such bonds or notes. The Commissioner of Education shall thereupon verify said amounts and certify the same to the State Treasurer together with the name and address of the paying agent or paying agents for such bonds or notes. The certification by the Commissioner of Education as to amount payable in any year for debt service (principal and interest) on such bonds or notes shall be fully conclusive as to such bonds or notes from and after the time of issuance of such bonds or notes, notwithstanding any irregularity, omission or failure as to compliance with any of the provisions of this act with respect to such bonds or notes, provided that such bonds or notes contain a recital to the effect that they are entitled to the benefits of the provisions of this act, and all persons shall be forever estopped from denying that such bonds or notes are entitled to the benefits of the provisions of this act.
N.J.S. § 18A:58-33.33