Section 17:48C-19.1 - Adjustment of rate of premium for dental service corporations, certain circumstancesa. A group contract covering at least 10 employees or members may provide for the adjustment of the rate of premium based on past or projected experience, and may include those claim costs and utilization trend factors which the dental service corporation deems necessary in its discretion. No dental service corporation shall use any form of prospective or retrospective experience rating plan until it shall have filed with the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance the formulas to be used and the classes or groups to which they are to apply. The commissioner may disapprove the formulas or classes at any time if the commissioner finds that the rates produced thereby are excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory or that the formulas or classes are such as to prejudice the interests of persons who are eligible for coverage under contracts with the dental service corporation which are not subject to experience rating. b. An experience rating formula used pursuant to this section may provide for the allowance of an equitable discount if the policyholder agrees to perform certain administrative and recordkeeping functions in connection with the routine maintenance of the group contract. c. Nothing in this section shall preclude a dental service corporation from incorporating in the rating formulas those claim cost and utilization trend factors which it deems necessary in its discretion, so long as the rates produced are self-supporting in the aggregate, not excessive, and the formulas for classes do not prejudice the interests of persons who are eligible for coverage under contracts with the dental service corporation which are not subject to experience rating. d. The commissioner may, by regulation, prohibit or limit the experience rating of contracts covering groups of fewer than 50 employees or members if the commissioner determines that experience rating of those contracts is not in the public interest. Added by L. 2003, c. 154, s. 1, eff. 8/15/2003.