Section 17:12B-279 - Conditions for acquisition; controla. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law of this State, an eligible insured institution or eligible savings and loan holding company may acquire and retain control of an insured institution or savings and loan holding company or insured institutions or savings and loan holding companies located in this State providing the following conditions are complied with: (1) At the time of the acquisition of control of the insured institution or savings and loan holding company or insured institutions or savings and loan holding companies located in this State, the insured institution or savings and loan holding company is an eligible insured institution or eligible savings and loan holding company located in an eligible state which has reciprocal legislation in effect.(2)(a) The eligible insured institution shall have more than 50% of the total aggregate deposits of the insured institution and the savings and loan subsidiaries of any savings and loan holding company directly or indirectly controlling the insured institution, if any, in insured institutions located in an eligible state or states each of which has reciprocal legislation in effect.(b) The eligible savings and loan holding company shall have more than 50% of the total aggregate deposits of its savings and loan subsidiaries in savings and loan subsidiaries located in an eligible state or eligible states each of which has reciprocal legislation in effect. b. It is not the intent of this act, and nothing in this act shall be deemed to permit acquisitions in any form that would result in branching into New Jersey of insured institutions or savings and loan holding companies.c. Nothing in this act shall be deemed to eliminate, reduce or waive any rights of any savings member, borrowing member or shareholders of the insured institution or savings and loan holding company being acquired pursuant to any applicable law regarding those rights.d. In the event an eligible insured institution or eligible savings and loan holding company which controls an insured institution or savings and loan holding company or insured institutions or savings and loan holding companies in this State and in one or more eligible states shall cease to be an eligible insured institution or eligible savings and loan holding company (1) as a result of obtaining control of an insured institution or savings and loan holding company or insured institutions or savings and loan holding companies located in a state which is not an eligible state or this State, or (2) as a result of having control of it obtained by an insured institution or savings and loan holding company or insured institutions or savings and loan holding companies which is not an eligible insured institution or eligible savings and loan holding company, the insured institution or savings and loan holding company shall within one year make such divestitures as are necessary to comply with the provisions of this act. The commissioner shall promulgate regulations to provide a procedure for divestiture.e. Notwithstanding the provisions of this act, an insured institution or savings and loan holding company shall not be required to divest its control of any insured institution or savings and loan holding company as a result of any subsequent change in, or invalidity of, the laws of this State, another state or the United States or as a result of a state ceasing for any other reason to be an eligible state.