N.H. Rev. Stat. § 99-D:2

Current through the 2024 Legislative
Section 99-D:2 - Defense and Indemnification

If any claim is made or any civil action is commenced against a present or former officer, trustee, official, or employee of the state or any agency thereof, including members of the New Hampshire national guard and any justice of the district, municipal, probate, superior, or supreme court, or the clerks or bail commissioners thereof, or any harbor master appointed by the Pease development authority, division of ports and harbors, or officials and employees of the New Hampshire housing finance authority, or directors, officers, and employees of the Pease development authority, members and employees of the lakeshore redevelopment planning commission, or directors, officers, and employees of the land and community heritage investment authority seeking equitable relief or claiming damages for the negligent or wrongful acts and the officer, trustee, official, or employee requests the state to provide representation for him or her, and the attorney general, or, in the case of a claim or civil action commenced against the attorney general, the governor and council, determines that the acts complained of were committed by the officer, trustee, official, or employee while acting within the scope of official duty for the state and that such acts were not wanton or reckless, the attorney general shall represent and defend such person with respect to such claim or throughout such action, or shall retain outside counsel to represent or defend such person, and the state shall defray all costs of such representation or defense, to be paid from funds not otherwise appropriated. In such case the state shall also protect, indemnify, and hold harmless such person from any costs, damages, awards, judgments, or settlements arising from the claim or suit. The attorney general or governor and council shall not be required to consider the request of such person that representation be provided for him or her unless within 7 days of the time such person is served with any summons, complaint, process, notice, demand, or pleading the person shall deliver the original or a copy thereof to the attorney general or, in the case of an action against the attorney general, to the governor and council. As a condition to the continued representation by the attorney general and to the obligation of the state to indemnify and hold harmless, such officer, trustee, official, or employee shall cooperate with the attorney general in the defense of such claim or civil action. No property either real or personal of the state of New Hampshire shall be subject to attachment or execution to secure payment of or to satisfy any obligations of the state created under this chapter. Upon the entry of final judgment in any action brought under this chapter, the governor shall draw a warrant for said payment out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, and said sums are hereby appropriated. The attorney general shall have the authority to settle any claim brought under this chapter by compromise and the amount of any such settlement shall be paid as if the amount were awarded as a judgment under this chapter. Indemnification by the state under this section shall be for the actual amount of costs, damages, awards, judgments, or settlements personally incurred by any such officer, trustee, official, or employee, and the state shall not pay any amounts for which payment is the obligation of any insurance carrier or company under a policy or policies of insurance or any other third party under a similar obligation.

RSA 99-D:2

Amended by 2017, 240:2, eff. 7/18/2017.

1978, 43:1. 1979, 466:2. 1985, 144:11. 1986, 113:1. 1988, 169:1. 1989, 124:3. 1990, 161:11, 12; 207:1, 2. 2001, 158:11, eff. July 1, 2001; 290:8, eff. July 1, 2001 at 12:01 a.m. 2017, 240:2, eff. July 18, 2017.