N.H. Rev. Stat. § 596-A:13
If from the evidence it appears to the circuit court district division that there is probable cause to believe that an offense has been committed which is beyond the jurisdiction of the court to try and that the accused committed it, or if the accused waives preliminary examination thereof, the court shall hold the accused to appear in superior court as provided in RSA 502-A:13-a or RSA 592-A:4-a; otherwise, if no probable cause appears, the accused shall be discharged from custody. If bound over, unless the offense is bailable only by the superior court as provided in RSA 597:4, the accused may be admitted to bail by the court as provided in RSA 597, but where the offense is bailable only by the superior court, the accused shall be committed by warrant to a county jail pending further proceedings in superior court.
RSA 596-A:13