N.H. Rev. Stat. § 485-C:8

Current through the 2024 Legislative
Section 485-C:8 - Inventory and Management
I. Inventory and management under this section shall be performed in GAA or GA1 contributing areas by the department or, by the local entity requesting reclassification under RSA 485-C:9, II(a) or III(a).
II. The inventory of potential contamination sources required in contributing areas designated as class GAA or GA1 shall include the site address, tax map and lot number, property owner name and address, and operator name and address for all potential contamination sources within the contributing area of a designated class. The inventory shall include estimates of the type and quantities of regulated substances used in the activity or generated as waste materials. The inventory shall be based on physical site inspections of the potential contamination sources within the designated class area.
III. Potential contamination sources in class GAA and GA1 contributing areas shall be managed by:
(a) Updating the inventory at intervals not to exceed 3 years.
(b) Notifying the owner of each potential contamination source by letter at intervals not to exceed 3 years that the activity is being conducted within a contributing area of a class of groundwater designated for high protection because of its value for drinking water supply. The notice shall state that such activities shall be subject to best management practices, and shall provide information concerning where copies of applicable best management practices may be obtained.
(c) Performing an inspection at least once every 3 years of all potential contamination sources located within the contributing area to ascertain compliance with best management practices provided, however, that the following shall not be subject to inspection under this chapter:
(1) Pesticides which are regulated under RSA 430:28-48; and
(2) Agricultural operations which are operated in compliance with all applicable chapters of RSA title XL and best management practices developed, administered and enforced by the New Hampshire department of agriculture, markets, and food.
(d) Enforcing rules for best management practices adopted under RSA 485-C:11.
IV. The authority granted to local entities and other agencies under this chapter shall not be interpreted to extend to RSA 430:28-48.

RSA 485-C:8

1991, 344:1. 1995, 130:4. 1996, 228:106, eff. July 1, 1996.