Section 438:26-b - Dating Prewrapped Sandwiches; RulemakingI. It shall be unlawful for any person, otherwise subject to inspection under this chapter, to make for sale, sell, offer to sell, or procure to be sold any type of prewrapped sandwich, unless each such sandwich is enclosed in a wrapper bearing an expiration date beyond which the sandwich shall not be sold. This section shall not apply to sandwiches intended or expected to be consumed within 36 hours after wrapping.II. The commissioner shall adopt rules under RSA 541-A relative to: (a) The form of the expiration date.(b) Definitions, purpose, and scope.(c) Conduct of inspections of stores and other locations where sandwiches are sold.(d) Issuance of orders, including stop-removal orders.(e) Fines for non-compliance not to exceed $600.(f) Clarity and visibility of label date.(g) Guidelines on manufacturing date and labeling.(h) Process for handling complaints.(i) Establishment of expiration dates and sell by dates.(j) Establishing waiver procedures from rules requirements.