Section 420-B:8-b - Health Maintenance Organization Benefits for Mental and Nervous Conditions and Treatment for Chemical DependencyI.(a) Benefits for mental or nervous conditions shall conform to the requirements of RSA 415:18-a or alternatively with the basic health services requirements of the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-222), any amendments, and federal regulations issued under the authority of such federal law. However, where a health maintenance organization provides these alternative benefits, such benefits shall not be subject to any deductible. The coinsurance required by the enrolled participant shall not exceed 20 percent of the reasonable and customary charge for the services provided.(b) In addition to the requirements of subparagraph (a), every health maintenance organization offering such benefits shall provide to its subscribers a list of psychiatrists and mental health care providers within the organization's network. The health maintenance organization shall allow its subscribers 2 visits for diagnosis followed by up to 3 treatment visits in each contract year. Subsequent visits within the contract year may be subject to utilization review. The policy shall also include a statement that a primary care physician may refer an enrolled participant to a psychiatrist or other mental health care provider within the organization's network. There shall be no economic penalty to the primary care physician for such a referral.II. No evidence of coverage, or amendment thereto, issued, renewed or continued on or after January 1, 1993, shall contain any provision denying insurance benefits for psychiatric or psychological services, including psychological examinations, solely because they are rendered to an insured or a dependent in compliance with the lawful order of any court of this state. Benefits for such services shall be as favorable as for other psychiatric or psychological services, including psychological examinations, and shall be subject to the same dollar limits, deductibles, co-payments, and co-insurance factors and to terms and conditions of the policy or certificate, including any managed care provisions.III. Coverage shall be provided for expenses arising from treatment for chemical dependency, including alcoholism, up to a specified limit which may be defined in terms of a dollar amount or a maximum number of days or visits. Coverage shall include both an inpatient and an outpatient benefit for detoxification and rehabilitation.IV. "Mental and nervous conditions" shall be defined as mental disorders, as defined in the most recent edition of the American Psychiatric Association's "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM), excluding those disorders designated by a "V Code" and those disorders designated as criteria sets and axes provided for further study in the DSM. This term shall not include chemical dependency including alcoholism.V. The commissioner may adopt rules, under RSA 541-A, as may be necessary to effectuate any provisions of the Mental Health Parity Act of 2008 that relate to the business of insurance.1989, 186:3. 1992, 177:5. 1995, 245:1. 1996, 188:9. 1998, 385:2. 2002, 204 : 2 . 2009, 235 : 12 , eff. Sept. 14, 2009.