A meeting of every school district shall be held annually between March 1 and March 25, inclusive, or in accordance with RSA 40:13 if that provision is adopted in the district, for raising and appropriating money for the support of schools for the fiscal year beginning the next July 1, for the transaction of other district business and, in those districts not electing their district officers at town meeting, for the choice of district officers.
RSA 197:1
RS 70:3. CS 74:1. GS 79:3. GL 87:3. PS 90:1. 1921, 85, V:1. PL 120 :1. RL 139:1. RSA 197:1. 1961, 134:1. 1981, 250:3. 1997, 318:10, eff. Aug. 22, 1997.