Section 170-B:11 - Consequences of SurrenderI. All parental rights, with the exception of inheritance rights and privileges as provided in RSA 170-B:25, II, shall cease and the right to notice of any future hearings shall be waived by a surrender executed in accordance with RSA 170-B:9 and approved by the court.II. Except in cases where one parent will remain a parent, upon approval of a surrender of a minor executed by the parent, the court shall issue an order granting temporary care, custody, and control of the child to the prospective adoptive parents or where applicable, to the department or agency. The temporary order shall impose upon the prospective adoptive parents or the department or agency, the responsibility for the support and medical and other care of the minor child. The temporary order shall not be valid for longer than 6 months, unless otherwise ordered by the court, and, with the exception of adoptions in which the department or an agency is involved, shall cease upon the granting of the interlocutory decree of adoption. In adoptions in which the department or an agency is involved, during the interlocutory period, the department or agency shall continue to have a legal relationship giving it responsibility for oversight of the support, medical, and other care of the minor child. III. At the time of giving the surrender, the parent may elect to waive notice that a final decree of adoption has been entered.IV. A surrender by a parent, executed and acknowledged in accordance with the provisions of RSA 170-B:9, may not be withdrawn except as provided in RSA 170-B:12.V. A surrender executed by any individual not a parent waives any objection to the adoption.VI. The status of all children for whom care, custody, and control has been transferred through surrender shall be reviewed at least once every 6 months, unless waived by the court, until an adoption decree has been finalized.Amended by 2020, 26:3, eff. 1/1/2021. 2004, 255:1. 2006, 200:6, eff. July 30, 2006. 2020, 26:3, eff. Jan. 1, 2021.