Section 167:8 - Application for AssistanceI. Application for assistance under this chapter or RSA 161 shall be made in the first instance to the commissioner of the department of health and human services, or his duly authorized agent. The application shall be in writing and upon a form prescribed by the department of health and human services. Except in cases of emergency no aid shall be granted until completion of the investigation required by this section. Whenever an application for old age assistance or for aid to the permanently and totally disabled is received, the commissioner of health and human services shall immediately give notice of such application to the county commissioners of the county in which said applicant resides or is found, or the appropriate county as provided in RSA 166:8, and shall also notify them of any decision on the applicationII. When an individual applies for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, food stamps, medical assistance, or other programs under this chapter or RSA 161, the commissioner of health and human services or designee shall provide the individual with application forms and information about the Link-Up New Hampshire and Lifeline Telephone Assistance programs, shall offer to assist the individual to apply for these programs, and shall provide such assistance.1937, 202:14. RL 126:14. 1951, 90:5. RSA 167:8. 1983, 291:1. 1985, 380:30. 1995, 310:176, 180. 2007, 263:170, eff. July 1, 2007.