Section 167:3-i - MEAD Work Incentive ProgramI. Pursuant to section 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XV) of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. section 1396a(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XV), the department of health and human services shall establish and administer a work incentive program, known as Medicaid for employed adults with disabilities (MEAD). The purpose of the program shall be to ensure the availability of long-term supports to workers with disabilities who are medically eligible for Medicaid, enabling them to maximize their employment potential and financial independence and prevent impoverishment and dependence upon cash assistance programs.II. In addition to the requirements of RSA 167:6, IX, the MEAD program shall: (a) Exclude from consideration resources accumulated from earnings, including interest earned by the resource, by a MEAD-eligible individual beginning on or after the date of eligibility through the period of MEAD eligibility and kept in a separate account from other resources, when determining future eligibility for other medical assistance programs.(b) Provide continued eligibility during periods of temporary unemployment provided that the individual is unable to work for medical reasons but is likely to return to work, or the individual becomes unemployed for other good cause and is actively seeking employment. (c) Define employment for eligibility purposes in a manner that permits a self-employed individual to earn less than the federal minimum wage.(d) Permit individuals who are eligible for home and community-based care waiver services and who qualify for a special income limit, to receive medical assistance through the MEAD program, if they so choose, even if their total income is between the standard of need and the special income limit.(e) Provide notice and an opportunity for a fair hearing in the event of any adverse action affecting eligibility for or enrollment in the MEAD program.(f) Establish oversight and enforcement procedures to prevent fraud and to assure that participants are consistently engaging in gainful employment. 2008, 76:3, eff. July 20, 2008.