Section 162-H:7-b - Role of State Agencies in All ProceedingsI. State agencies having permitting or other regulatory authority may participate in committee proceedings as follows: (a) Receive proposals or permit requests within the agency's permitting or other regulatory authority, expertise, or both; determine completeness of elements required for such agency's permitting or other programs; and report on such issues to the committee;(b) Review proposals or permit requests and submit recommended draft permit terms and conditions to the committee;(c) Identify issues of concern on the proposal or permit request or notify the committee that the application raises no issues of concern; and(d) When issues of concern are identified by the agency or committee, designate one or more witnesses to appear before the committee at a hearing to provide input and answer questions of parties and committee members.II. When initiating a proceeding for a committee matter, the committee shall expeditiously notify state agencies having permitting or other regulatory authority or that are identified in administrative rules.III. Within 30 days of receipt of a notification of proceeding, a state agency not having permitting or other regulatory authority but wishing to participate in the proceeding shall advise the presiding officer of the committee in writing of such desire and be allowed to do so provided that the presiding officer determines that a material interest in the proceeding is demonstrated and such participation conforms with the normal procedural rules of the committee.IV. The commissioner or director of each state agency that intends to participate in a committee proceeding shall advise the presiding officer of the name of the individual on the agency's staff designated to be the agency liaison for the proceeding. The presiding officer may request the attendance of an agency's designated liaison at a session of the committee if that person could materially assist the committee in its examination or consideration of a matter.V. All communications between the committee and agencies regarding a pending committee matter shall be included in the official record and be publicly available.VI. A state agency may intervene as a party in any committee proceeding in the same manner as other persons under RSA 541-A. An intervening agency shall have the right to rehearing and appeal of a certificate or other decision of the committee.Amended by 2024, 295:2, eff. 7/26/2024, app. to applications submitted on or after 7/26/2024.