Section 162-H:16 - Findings And Certificate IssuanceI. The committee shall incorporate in any certificate such terms and conditions in their entirety and without addition, deletion, or change, as may be specified to the committee by any of the state agencies having permitting or other regulatory authority, under state or federal law, to regulate any aspect of the construction or operation of the proposed facility; provided, however, the committee shall not issue any certificate under this chapter if any of the state agencies denies authorization for the proposed activity over which it has permitting or other regulatory authority. The denial of any such authorization shall be based on the record and explained in reasonable detail by the denying agency.II. Any certificate issued by the site evaluation committee shall be based on the record. The decision to issue a certificate in its final form or to deny an application once it has been accepted shall be made by a majority of the full membership. A certificate shall be conclusive on all questions of siting, land and offshore uses, and air and water quality.III. The committee may consult with interested regional agencies and agencies of border states in the consideration of certificates.IV. After due consideration of all relevant information regarding the potential siting, or routes of a proposed energy facility, including potential significant impacts and benefits, the site evaluation committee shall determine if issuance of a certificate will serve the objectives of this chapter. In order to issue a certificate, the committee shall find that: (a) The applicant has adequate financial, technical, and managerial capability to assure construction and operation of the facility in continuing compliance with the terms and conditions of the certificate.(b) The site and facility will not unduly interfere with the orderly development of the region with due consideration having been given to the views of municipal and regional planning commissions and municipal governing bodies.(c) The site and facility will not have an unreasonable adverse effect on aesthetics, historic sites, air and water quality, the natural environment, fish and wildlife resources, public health and safety, and existing land and offshore uses.(e) Issuance of a certificate will serve the public interest.V. The committee shall issue an order granting or denying a certificate. Such order shall summarize issues of concern expressed during public information sessions and hearings to ensure that the public's voice has been heard and recorded.VI. A certificate of site and facility may contain such reasonable terms and conditions, including, but not limited to the authority to require bonding, as the committee deems necessary . Such certificates, when issued, shall be final and subject only to judicial review.VII. The committee may condition the certificate upon the results of applicable federal approvals or appeal processes and required federal and state agency studies whose study period exceeds the application period.Amended by 2024, 212:10, eff. 7/19/2024.Amended by 2024, 212:9, eff. 7/19/2024.Amended by 2023, 233:14, eff. 10/7/2023.Amended by 2015 , 264: 2, eff. 7/20/2015.Amended by 2014 , 217: §§20, 21, 22eff. 7/1/2014.1991, 295:1. 2009, 65 : 18 -21, 24, IX, eff. Aug. 8, 2009. 2014, 217 : 20 -22, eff. July 1, 2014. 2015, 264 : 2 , eff. July 20, 2015.