Section 162-B:3 - Conduct of Studies; PublicationI. The coordinator of nuclear development and regulatory activities established under RSA 162-B:4 shall have the duty to pursue continuing studies as to the need, if any, for changes in the laws and regulations administered by the departments and agencies of the state that would arise from the presence within the state of special nuclear materials and by-product materials and from the operation herein of production or utilization facilities, and, on the basis of such studies, to make such recommendations for the enactment of laws or amendments to laws in effect and such proposals for amendments to the regulations adopted under RSA 541-A as may appear necessary and appropriate. In pursuing these continuing studies, the coordinator of nuclear development and regulatory activities shall consult with following state departments and agencies: (a) The department of health and human services, particularly as to hazards, if any, to the public health and safety.(b) The department of labor, particularly as to hazardous working conditions, if any, the time and character of proof of claims of injuries, and the extent of the compensation allowable therefor.(c) The department of transportation, particularly as to the transportation of special nuclear materials and by-product materials on highways of the state.(d) The public utilities commission and the department of energy, particularly as to the transportation of special nuclear materials and by-product materials by common carriers or public or private air carriers not in interstate commerce and as to the participation by public utilities subject to their jurisdiction in projects looking to the development of production or utilization facilities for industrial or commercial use.(e) The department of insurance, particularly as to the insurance of persons and property from hazards to life and property resulting from atomic nuclear development.(f) The council on resources and development, particularly as to the hazards, if any, to the natural resources of the state, including wildlife, and as to the protection, if necessary, of rivers, streams, and airspace from pollution.(g) The department of business and economic affairs, particularly as to how matters relating to nuclear development may affect the overall economic well-being of the state.(h) Such other departments and agencies including departments and agencies of political subdivisions of the state as the coordinator of nuclear development and regulatory activities, the commissioner of the department of energy, or the governor may deem appropriate.II. The coordinator of nuclear development and regulatory activities shall also examine the ongoing costs versus benefits of existing and proposed new nuclear developments in the state including, but not limited to, the impact on meeting projected energy requirements; any required upgrades that may be required to the existing transmission and distribution infrastructure; how the development of additional nuclear production capacity may affect electricity reliability; and what impact additional capacity may have on seasonal fluctuations in electricity prices.III. The department of energy shall publish a public report, prepared by the coordinator of nuclear development and regulatory activities, at least once every three years beginning with a report due not later than December 1, 2025.IV. The department of energy shall study state and federal policies, technologies, supply chains, and potential siting locations related to advanced nuclear reactors.Amended by 2024, 341:3, eff. 8/2/2024.Amended by 2024, 341:2, eff. 8/2/2024.Amended by 2021 , 91: 223, eff. 7/1/2021.1955, 281:3. 1983, 291:1, I. 1995, 310:181. 2004, 257 : 34 , eff. June 15, 2004. 2021, 91 : 223 , eff. July 1, 2021.