I. The report prescribed in RSA 141-A:4 shall be designated as a critical health problem report and shall contain social security numbers, if persons were given the option at the original point of collection to provide social security numbers voluntarily, and information which the commissioner considers necessary to identify, locate, and investigate the occurrence, frequency, incidence, cause, effect, and prognosis of the critical health problem, and other relevant data and findings with respect thereto.II. The commissioner shall adopt rules regarding the form, content, and manner of filing the report prescribed in RSA 141-A:4, which shall be submitted to the department unless otherwise prescribed by the commissioner. He shall adopt such other rules as may be necessary to foster study, research, denomination, and control of critical health problems.III. A report or other data relating to a critical health problem which discloses the identity of an individual who was reported as having a critical health problem shall be made available only to persons who demonstrate a need for the report or other data which is essential to health related research, including but not limited to, for purposes of administering the lead paint poisoning prevention control program under RSA 130-A. A report or data which does not disclose the identity of the individual shall be made available to the public in compliance with RSA 91-A.IV. The physician-patient privilege shall not apply to a critical health problem report prepared pursuant to paragraph I.Amended by 2019 , 233: 5, eff. 7/12/2019.1979, 339:1. 1985, 190:68. 1995, 310:175, 183. 2003, 309 : 7 , eff. Sept. 19, 2003. 2019, 233 : 5 , eff. July 12, 2019.