- Section 688B.010 - Short title; scope
- Section 688B.020 - "Wholesale life insurance" defined
- Section 688B.030 - Group life insurance prohibited unless approved by Commissioner; exempt policies; exclusion or limitation of coverage; applicability
- Section 688B.040 - Provisions required in policy
- Section 688B.050 - Grace period
- Section 688B.060 - Incontestability
- Section 688B.070 - Additional provisions required in policy
- Section 688B.080 - Insurability
- Section 688B.090 - Misstatement of age
- Section 688B.100 - Payment of benefits
- Section 688B.110 - Certificate: Provision to policyholder required; filing with Commissioner required for policies made under laws of another state in certain circumstances
- Section 688B.120 - Conversion on termination of eligibility
- Section 688B.130 - Conversion on termination of policy
- Section 688B.140 - Death pending conversion
- Section 688B.150 - Information to debtor
- Section 688B.160 - Notice as to right of conversion
- Section 688B.170 - Readjustment of premium
- Section 688B.180 - Application of dividends and rate reductions; applicability
- Section 688B.190 - Proceeds of benefits required to be paid within 30 days after death of insured; interest