- Section 630.003 - Legislative declaration
- Section 630.005 - Definitions
- Section 630.007 - "Administrative physician" defined
- Section 630.008 - "Anesthesiologist assistant" defined
- Section 630.009 - "Assist in the practice of medicine" defined
- Section 630.010 - "Board" defined
- Section 630.011 - "Certification examination" defined
- Section 630.0122 - "Healing art" defined
- Section 630.0129 - "Medical assistant" defined
- Section 630.0135 - "Medical facility" defined
- Section 630.0137 - "Perfusion" defined
- Section 630.0138 - "Perfusionist" defined
- Section 630.014 - "Physician" defined
- Section 630.015 - "Physician assistant" defined
- Section 630.020 - "Practice of medicine" defined
- Section 630.021 - "Practice of respiratory care" defined
- Section 630.023 - "Practitioner of respiratory care" defined
- Section 630.024 - "Respiratory care" defined
- Section 630.0245 - "Screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment approach" defined
- Section 630.0247 - "Supervising anesthesiologist" defined
- Section 630.025 - "Supervising physician" defined
- Section 630.0257 - "Telehealth" defined
- Section 630.026 - "Temporarily licensed perfusionist" defined
- Section 630.045 - Purpose of licensing; license is revocable privilege
- Section 630.047 - Applicability of chapter
- Section 630.049 - Place at which act constituting practice of medicine deemed to occur