Section 569.060 - Examination by Department of brand records upon receipt of notice of taking up of estray; notice to owner; payment of charges incurred for care; authority for closer examination of brands1. Upon receiving notice of the taking up of an estray, the Department, or its authorized agent, shall make or cause to be made an examination of the state brand records.2. If from the records the name of the owner or probable owner can be determined, the Department, or its authorized agent, shall forthwith notify the owner or probable owner of the taking up of the estray.3. Upon the owner's proving to the satisfaction of the Department that the estray animal is lawfully his or hers, the Department shall issue to the owner an order to receive the estray upon the payment of any damages allowed by law and such charges as may be approved by the Department as reasonable which may have been incurred in the care of the animal so taken up.4. Upon receipt of a notice of the taking up of an estray, the Department, or its authorized agent, may require a closer examination of the brands and marks, as set forth in the notice, and may require a state inspector to examine the brands before advertising.[4:27:1923; A 1947, 426; 1943 NCL § 3981]-(NRS A 1959, 642; 1961, 547; 1969, 138; 1977, 249; 1993, 1745; 1999, 3684)[4:27:1923; A 1947, 426; 1943 NCL § 3981] - (NRS A 1959, 642; 1961, 547; 1969, 138; 1977, 249; 1993, 1745; 1999, 3684)