Section 482.180 - Motor Vehicle Fund: Creation; deposits; interest and income; dishonored payments; distribution of money collected for basic governmental services tax; transfers1. The Motor Vehicle Fund is hereby created as an agency fund. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4 or by a specific statute, all money received or collected by the Department must be deposited in the State Treasury for credit to the Motor Vehicle Fund.2. The interest and income on the money in the Motor Vehicle Fund, after deducting any applicable charges, must be credited to the State Highway Fund.3. Any check accepted by the Department in payment of the governmental services tax or any other fee required to be collected pursuant to this chapter must, if it is dishonored upon presentation for payment, be charged back against the Motor Vehicle Fund or the county to which the payment was credited pursuant to this section or NRS 482.181, in the proper proportion.4. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 6, all money received or collected by the Department for the basic governmental services tax must be distributed in the manner set forth in NRS 482.181 and 482.182.5. Money for the administration of the provisions of this chapter must be provided by direct legislative appropriation from the State Highway Fund or other legislative authorization, upon the presentation of budgets in the manner required by law. Out of the appropriation or authorization, the Department shall pay every item of expense.6. The Department shall withhold 6 percent from the amount of the governmental services tax collected by the Department as a commission. From the amount of the governmental services tax collected by a county assessor, the State Controller shall credit 1 percent to the Department as a commission and remit 5 percent to the county for credit to its general fund as commission for the services of the county assessor. All money withheld by or credited to the Department pursuant to this subsection must be used only for the administration of this chapter as authorized by the Legislature pursuant to subsection 5.7. When the requirements of this section and NRS 482.181 and 482.182 have been met, and when directed by the Department, the State Controller shall transfer monthly to the State Highway Fund any balance in the Motor Vehicle Fund.8. If a statute requires that any money in the Motor Vehicle Fund be transferred to another fund or account, the Department shall direct the State Controller to transfer the money in accordance with the statute.[Part 30:202:1931; A 1931, 339; 1937, 330; 1941, 19; 1949, 410; 1951, 177; 1953, 280]-(NRS A 1957, 769; 1959, 910, 917; 1960, 99; 1963, 1124; 1965, 683, 1230; 1969, 339; 1971, 2090; 1973, 220; 1975, 210, 440; 1977, 393; 1979, 110, 553, 1119, 1121, 1247, 1248; 1981, 242, 811, 1545, 1547; 1983, 1586; 1985, 732; 1987, 2272; 1989, 1149; 1991, 42; 1993, 2648; 1995, 990; 1997, 3298; 1999, 22, 2777; 2001, 306, 1832, 1834; 2001 Special Session, 144, 159; 2003, 274; 2009, 2194)[Part 30:202:1931; A 1931, 339; 1937, 330; 1941, 19; 1949, 410; 1951, 177; 1953, 280] - (NRS A 1957, 769; 1959, 910, 917; 1960, 99; 1963, 1124; 1965, 683, 1230; 1969, 339; 1971, 2090; 1973, 220; 1975, 210, 440; 1977, 393; 1979, 110, 553, 1119, 1121, 1247, 1248; 1981, 242, 811, 1545, 1547; 1983, 1586; 1985, 732; 1987, 2272; 1989, 1149; 1991, 42; 1993, 2648; 1995, 990; 1997, 3298; 1999, 22, 2777; 2001, 306, 1832, 1834; 2001 Special Session, 144, 159; 2003, 274; 2009, 2194)