- Section 445A.800 - Declaration of state policy
- Section 445A.805 - Definitions
- Section 445A.807 - "Capability" defined
- Section 445A.8075 - "Commission" defined
- Section 445A.808 - "Community water system" defined
- Section 445A.810 - "Contaminant" defined
- Section 445A.812 - "District board of health" defined
- Section 445A.814 - "Division" defined
- Section 445A.815 - "Federal Act" defined
- Section 445A.817 - "Financial capability" defined
- Section 445A.824 - "Local governing body" defined
- Section 445A.827 - "Managerial capability" defined
- Section 445A.828 - "Noncommunity water system" defined
- Section 445A.829 - "Nontransient water system" defined
- Section 445A.830 - "Operator" defined
- Section 445A.835 - "Person" defined
- Section 445A.838 - "Public utility" defined
- Section 445A.840 - "Public water system" defined
- Section 445A.843 - "Service connection" defined
- Section 445A.845 - "Supplier of water" defined
- Section 445A.847 - "Technical capability" defined
- Section 445A.848 - "Transient water system" defined
- Section 445A.850 - "Water system" defined
- Section 445A.855 - Commission: Adoption of primary and secondary standards of drinking water
- Section 445A.860 - Commission: Adoption of regulations
- Section 445A.861 - Deposit and use of fees
- Section 445A.863 - Certification of laboratories for analysis of water; requirements for performance of certain analyses
- Section 445A.865 - Commission: Contracts; assistance; hearings; subpoenas
- Section 445A.870 - Advisory board regarding certification of operators: Appointment; membership; compensation of members
- Section 445A.875 - Certification of operators: Requirement; exception; operation of multiple systems; presence of operator on-site
- Section 445A.880 - Certification of operators: Regulations; fees; examination; exemption from examination
- Section 445A.885 - Systems constructed after June 30, 1991: Requirements for permit
- Section 445A.890 - Systems constructed after June 30, 1991: Preliminary requests for comments
- Section 445A.895 - Systems constructed after June 30, 1991: Conditions for issuance of permit
- Section 445A.900 - Systems constructed after June 30, 1991: Prerequisites to liens for assessments
- Section 445A.905 - Systems constructed after June 30, 1991: Disposition of proceeds of assessments and sureties
- Section 445A.910 - Systems constructed after June 30, 1991: Assumption of control by local governing body
- Section 445A.915 - Systems constructed after June 30, 1991: Effect of provisions
- Section 445A.920 - Review and approval of plans and specifications by Commission or district board of health
- Section 445A.925 - Duties of Division and district boards of health
- Section 445A.930 - Imminent hazard; issuance and review of emergency order; public warning
- Section 445A.935 - Variance or exemption from regulation of Commission: Application; notice and hearing; participation of Public Utilities Commission of Nevada
- Section 445A.940 - Notification to Division or district board of health and user of water system by supplier of water
- Section 445A.943 - Issuance of orders by Division
- Section 445A.945 - Injunctions
- Section 445A.950 - Civil penalty and administrative fine against supplier of water for certain violations; enforcement proceedings
- Section 445A.952 - Civil penalty and administrative fine against laboratories for certain violations; enforcement proceedings
- Section 445A.955 - Criminal penalty