- Section 426.630 - Definitions
- Section 426.640 - Operation of vending facilities by licensees; priority of right in or on certain public buildings or properties; waiver of priority
- Section 426.650 - Notice to Bureau by public entity of location of and license, permit and lease for any vending facility
- Section 426.660 - Acquisition, construction, remodeling or improvement of public building: Planning for vending facility
- Section 426.665 - Construction of building by Bureau; approval of Legislature
- Section 426.670 - Powers and duties of Bureau relating to Program; regulations; powers and duties of public entity that has care, custody or control of certain public buildings or property relating to Program; conflicting contractual provisions void
- Section 426.672 - Powers and duties of Bureau concerning training
- Section 426.675 - Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind
- Section 426.677 - Management of money received from vending facility when licensee unavailable or temporarily unable to operate facility
- Section 426.685 - Establishment of vending facility in or on building or property that is not public building or property; owner of building may enter into contract requiring incentive pay
- Section 426.690 - Limitation on commodities, articles and services sold at vending facility
- Section 426.695 - Operator of vending facility may keep service animal on premises
- Section 426.700 - Applicability of laws and ordinances to licensee operating vending facility
- Section 426.710 - Management of operations of Program by nonprofit organization
- Section 426.713 - Resolution of certain disputes relating to Program: Complaint; hearing; judicial review of decision of hearing officer
- Section 426.715 - Penalty for unlawful sale, solicitation or delivery of certain commodities in or on public building or property; exemptions