Section 387.1218 - Establishment of attendance area adjustment1. To account for the increased cost per pupil to operate public schools in areas with lower population density, the Department shall establish by regulation an attendance area adjustment for each relevant portion of a school district in which the Department determines additional money is necessary for a pupil enrolled in a public school in the area to receive a reasonably equal educational opportunity as a pupil enrolled in a public school in an area with a higher population density.2. A charter school or university school for profoundly gifted pupils which provides in-person instruction at a location must receive the same attendance area adjustment on a per pupil basis that a public school within a school district at the same location would receive.3. Not later than May 1 of each even-numbered year, the Department shall review and determine whether revisions are necessary to the method for calculating the attendance area adjustment. The Department shall present the review and any revisions at a meeting of the Joint Interim Standing Committee on Education for consideration and recommendations by the Committee. After the meeting, the Department shall consider any recommendations of the Joint Interim Standing Committee on Education, determine whether to include those recommendations and adopt by regulation any revision to the method. The Department shall submit any revision to the method to each school district, the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau. Added to NRS by 2019, 4201; A 2021, 1108, 2528, 2922Amended by 2021, Ch. 473,§26, eff. 6/30/2021.Amended by 2021, Ch. 238,§5, eff. 7/1/2021.Amended by 2021, Ch. 392,§37, eff. 7/1/2021.Added by 2019, Ch. 624,§7, eff. 7/1/2021.