- Section 384.010 - Short title
- Section 384.020 - Declaration of public policy
- Section 384.030 - Definitions
- Section 384.040 - Comstock Historic District Commission: Creation; number of members
- Section 384.050 - Appointment, qualifications and compensation of members of Commission; officers; allowances and expenses for members and employees
- Section 384.060 - Meetings of Commission; quorum
- Section 384.070 - Establishment of office by Commission; inspection of records; copies of minutes or audio recordings of meetings; maintenance of library
- Section 384.080 - Functions and powers of Commission; employment of personnel
- Section 384.090 - Appointment by Commission of committees and subcommittees; regulations
- Section 384.095 - Board of Museums and History to serve as board of appeals for District
- Section 384.100 - Establishment of historic district in designated area: Procedure; alteration of boundaries; house trailer, mobile home or recreational vehicle prohibited; exception
- Section 384.110 - Certificate of appropriateness: Application; considerations in deliberations by Commission and staff
- Section 384.115 - Certificate of appropriateness: Authorization by Commission for staff to issue certificates under certain circumstances
- Section 384.120 - Certificate of appropriateness: Public hearing; exceptions; notice
- Section 384.130 - Certificate of appropriateness: Determinations by Commission
- Section 384.140 - Certificate of appropriateness: Factors to be considered by Commission and staff in passing upon appropriateness; refusal
- Section 384.150 - Certificate of appropriateness: Issuance or denial; collection and deposit of fee in State General Fund and Account for the Restoration of the Fourth Ward School in Virginia City; variations; additional conditions; appeal to Board of Museums and History
- Section 384.170 - Creation and use of Account for the Comstock Historic District; acceptance of gifts, donations, devises and bequests; sale and lease of property; no power of eminent domain
- Section 384.180 - Recommendations of Commission to State and political subdivisions
- Section 384.190 - Powers of building inspector or similar authority employed by Commission; order to stop work
- Section 384.200 - Penalty; jurisdiction of district court; injunctive relief
- Section 384.210 - Appeal to district court from determination of Commission or Board of Museums and History